If you are having troubles fixing an error, your system may be partially broken.

Some PC issues are hard to tackle, especially when it comes to corrupted repositories or missing Windows files. Windows may uninstall an application if it is known to be the source of system crashes, bugs, or other conflicts with Windows. For compatibility purposes, Windows may delete applications if incompatible with the upgrade. This is because standard Windows updates are handled differently than significant versions. Instead, it will only delete apps when Windows 10 is upgraded to a new major version, often known as a build.

Windows will not just eliminate apps at random moments on its own. Of course, Windows 10 may delete your apps without asking you beforehand, but it shouldn’t be too difficult to get them back. When you apply a significant update to Windows 10, you can discover that some of your apps have been removed when you reboot. What happened to my Solitaire game on Windows 10? Here are some troubleshooting tips that will help you find your Solitaire game after the Windows update deletes it.

W10 updated overnight, lost Spider Solitaire, AGAIN! How to get it back and keep this from happening? Many users complain that Windows 10 update deleted Solitaire in the Microsoft Community Forums. However, recently some users have reported that after the Windows 10 update, the game is nowhere to be found. Solitaire remains one of the most played computer games of all time.